Monday, February 21, 2011

Post # 2

In the office...

In the last week, I've been given the task to work on two houses. One to work on finalizing and tweaking of 1:50 working drawings for a house in Simonstown. This was a good learning experience, as I got to look at some fine details of how the building is to be built - details such as the suspended ceiling, how an additional roof is to be fitted under an existing one, custom joinery details, etc.

The second project is more in its early stages. We're busy on a sketch design proposal for an extension to a kitchen and bathroom. The house is also situated in Claremont, a road away from the office. We're currently still finalizing the sketch plan - arranging the bathroom and kitchen layouts. I've come up with a few designs layouts, however, still waiting on my boss to check them... So crossing fingers (x), hope it's good. (",)

Thanks for stopping by again... Rukiya..

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Post # 1

In the office...
Here it is, the first blog about my office experience. Let me start by telling you how it all began...

My first office experience had begun in 2010, straight after our 1st year MIP submission. An architectural technologist had offered me a job, assisting him with simple house plans, extensions, boundary walls, etc. It was great experience at the time, and I had learned a lot. I had a great relationship with my employer. However, unfortunately, I presumed that I wouldn't have received enough experience for my second year in training. Therefore, I had to start looking for another job immediately...

The process in looking for another job was frustrating - it wouldn't be as if some employer would catch your CV and hand you a job - it just seemed way impossible. However, I kept at it, applying everyday - sending out CV's wherever I could. Until, a few weeks later, I got a call from Noel Botha, an architect based in Harfield Village.

He had scheduled an interview for the next Monday, which was just 3 days away. I had prepared my portfolio, my CV and ,of course, myself for the interview. I was beyond excited, but a bit nervous as well. When Monday arrived, I got to the interview, he viewed my portfolio - was a positive feedback - he then ran through his office duties and moments later he offered me the job!

It has been exactly two weeks in the new office. Seems like a short while, but amazingly I've had the opportunity to learn quite a bit - even learning how to adapt to another computer draughting program. It's definitely been a great experience this far. I'm also glad to be working beside a classmate and friend, which makes the learning experience much easier and fun at the same time.

I'll keep you "posted" on how the rest of my office experience goes. Look forward to reading my following posts. I think this year will be an interesting one :D ... 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"This is me":

"The Basics"
Hi to all those viewing this blog. I've been assigned to put a few things together to describe who I am. I found it hard to begin writing about myself. I'm not much of a person to share or "put myself out there". However, I've tried my hardest to put a little something together. So here goes...
For everyone that already knows me, I'm sure you'll be interested to see Rukiya behind the "Rukiya" you already know. And for those who don't, just keep seated and follow up! 

"I Like"
I enjoy reading. Books are not only a source for knowledge, but entertainment as well. I love nature and its atmosphere - like walks on the beach or merely just relaxing and listening - it is truly inspiring! My inspiration is also driven by memories (something I keep dear to myself); people's stories; laughter or even sitting down to read a colourful magazine. I love comedy (I believe that humor plays an important part in one's life). I enjoy the crafts and craft/ stationery stores :D ... The time I spend in these stores is endless. I admire architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Gehry - I love their creativity and innovative ideas. I admire architecture from the classical period - this is, afterall, where my liking for achitecture had begun. 

"Something Interesting?"
I strive to be independant and love idea of figuring things out on my own. So at a young age, I developed a liking for jewellery - now continue reading, I'm sure you're asking what this has to do with "independance" and so on. Well, years back I tried figuring out the craft of jewellery making - specifically costume jewellery. I later created a few pieces and ended up selling them. I eventually turned this into an entreprenural venture, which i now name "Appleblossom". The meaning behind the name? Success. This whole experience had taught me the fundamentals of  independance, and I am yet to experience much more. 
I've created a slide show for you to view a few of my jewellery pieces and other crafts I've done...

There are probably lots of things to list under this topic - what I've done, where I've been, what I've experienced - but it would surely take a while to list it all. So, I pulled out one thing I presume would be interesting for you to know about me. Scroll down to view a video I made... It's self- explanatory! :D

"Deep Down"
Here is where I conclude, where I'd like to share what keeps me motivated. My goals have always been to concentrate on my career, to fully dedicate myself to my studies and to gain as much architectural knowledge and experience as possible, however still having fun along the way! I would never keep up with these goals without my motivators though. I regard my islamic values and family as being the highest motivators in my life. They've been there from day 1 and still continue pushing me ahead. But i cannot forget my dear friends, who have so sincerely stood by me... So a huge THANK YOU!!! to all who has been there. Lots of love!

"Signing out"
Thank you for taking the time to view my blog. I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this post. I look forward to having many more! 
Rukiya Abrahams